Facts on Homelessness

Poverty and homelessness still exists in every country on this earth regardless of the wealth held by Governments and their people.

** 795 million from a total world population of 7.3 billion suffered from chronic Undernourishment in 2014-16, yes 11%

** approximately, 2 Billion live on less than $3.10 a day, if they are that lucky!

That is, LESS than the cost of a cup of coffee!

** Undernourishment kills 3.1 million of children and adults annually and increases the severity of their diseases.

Definition of Poverty and homelessness vary from country to country, but that does not affect those suffering from poverty and homelessness, who daily face harsh conditions.

In short, the definitions tell us what these individual humans are lacking when compared to the majority of the people in the developed countries.

Yes, they lack food, clothing, shelter, education and good health.

Currently, our world:

1) Is able to produce sufficient food to feed all in our world,

2) Can manufacture sufficient clothes for all people to be comfortable,

3) Is able to build housing for those in need from the vast knowhow and available materials

4) Has the educational programs and people to educate the children so they can avoid the trap of poverty and homelessness and become contributors in our society, and

5) Has the highest medical standards resulting from vast research conduct around the globe but, we appear not to share with the developing countries.

There are many organizations and targets to eliminate or at least reduce these unacceptable numbers suffering poverty and homelessness. The global numbers have dropped since 1990 but regrettably, not fast or low enough, nor equally across the world.

The main obstacle that still exist today (2017) is insufficient funds to co-ordinate and distribute, the food, clothing, housing, education and health programs to the people experiencing poverty and homelessness. Other obstacles faced by governments ability to deliver services include corruption, tax avoidance, debt & loan conditionalities and by the brain drain of health care and educational professionals.

What can we do?

1) We can pray for and ask our political leaders to demand: more Collaboration in our world on this and other topics and

2) ask for additional financial support from the governments and the people

More collaboration amongst all countries in our world on the topics of poverty & homelessness will provide a world solution much quicker.

Yes, a world solution to this worlds crises would provide a net gain for all countries, both developed and developing.

The one world solution will consist of many options to cater for our diverse society, culturally and geographically.

We don’t have sufficient space to print all the facts but provide a link for your reference regarding statistics presented at the 2016 Homeless world cup held in Glasgow.

There are more reports in our world on these topics that one person would find difficult to read in a lifetime.


The summary headed “Global Homelessness Statistics” is staggering – please HELP

A quote from the above site:

“The last time a global survey was attempted – by the United Nations in 2005 – an estimated 100 million people were homeless worldwide. As many as 1.6 billion people lacked adequate housing (Habitat, 2015)”, www.habitat.org

An article, late in 2016 listed cities with the most homeless in our wealthy world, surprisingly, 6 from the 15 cities were in the United States of America.

  1. Manila, Philippines
  2. New York City, New York, USA
  3. Los Angelos, California, USA
  4. Moscow, Russia
  5. Mexico City, Mexico
  6. Jakarta , Indonesia
  7. Mumbai, India
  8. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  9. Budapest, Hungary
  10. Sao Paulo, Brazil
  11. Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  12. Washington, DC, USA
  13. San Francisco, Nth California, USA
  14. Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  15. Athens, Greece

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